Request User Access
* First Name
Middle Name
* Last Name
* City
* Country
* State
* Zip Code
* Work Phone
* Login ID
* Password
* Retype Password
* Email Address
* Retype Email Address
* Security Question
* Security Answer
* District
* Job Title
* Role
* Associate with USPS test center for proctoring? NO YES
* Test Center
* Business reason for requesting access
USPS Password rules
1. Must be between 8 - 32 characters long.
2. Must contain at least one uppercase and lowercase letter.
3. Must contain at least one number and special character. Allowed special characters: @, %, +, \, /, ', !, #, $, ^, ?, :, ., (, ), {, }, [, ], ~, _, -
4. Your password may not contain your Login ID.
*Mandatory Fields